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Human Brain Project Student Conference, 21.-23. Jan 2020

Von 21.- 23. Januar 2020 findet die 4. HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research in Pisa, Italien statt. Bei dieser Konferenz wird jungen Wissenschaftlern, deren Arbeit relevant für das Human Brain Project (HBP) ist, ein offenes Forum zum Austausch ihrer Ideen geboten. Weitere Informationen, sowie die Registrierung finden Sie untenstehend.


On 21-22 January 2020, the HBP Education Programme will organise the 4th HBP Student Conference on Interdisciplinary Brain Research in Pisa, Italy. The conference provides an open forum for the exchange of new ideas among young researchers working across various aspects of science relevant to the Human Brain Project (HBP) and offers a space for extensive scientific dialogue.


Call for Submissions:

Participants are welcome to submit abstracts to present their research in dedicated student sessions (short talks and/or poster presentations). 

We invite original high-quality submissions describing innovative research in all disciplines addressed in the HBP. These contributions can emphasise theoretical or empirical works relating to a wide spectrum of fields including but not limited to: neuroscience, computer science, robotics, medicine, psychology, cognitive science or philosophy. We particularly encourage submissions with a potential to inspire collaboration in the research community by introducing new and relevant problems, concepts, and ideas, even if the work is at an early stage of development.

Abstract submission deadline: 30 September 2019


Further information on abstract submission and registration:

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