Lab Rotation Stipendien 2019-2021

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Das BioTechMed-Graz Lab Rotation Program bietet in- und ausländischen Masterstudierenden die Möglichkeit, vor der Entscheidung für eine bestimmte Doktoratsschule das Labor eines BioTechMed-Graz Vollmitglieds kennenzulernen. In drei Ausschreibungsrunden wurden 36 Stipendiat*innen mit je einen Stipendium von EUR 8.000 gefördert:

Erfahrungen der Lab Rotation Stipendiat*innen

  • “…be able to gain first work experience as researcher and having some time to find out what I want to do later on…”
  • “Wonderful 4 months in the amazing lab group with great colleagues. As stated in the application, my primary goal of LRP was to broaden my research experience beyond the topic of my thesis, so I can become a competent PhD applicant. I achieved this goal easily” 
  • “As a chemist, I was a bit doubtful in the beginning, if I was qualified enough to work at a pharmacy institute. In the end I had the feeling, that I both learned a lot and I could also contribute to the work in the group with my knowledge. I would suggest […] look for a working group in a field different from your study program.”

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 Universität Graz  TU Graz  Med-Uni Graz 

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BioTechMed-Graz Geschäftsstelle

Mozartgasse 12/II
8010 Graz

Mobil:+43 664 30 10 141

Mag. Julia Rohrer

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 5022

Margit List-Schleich, MA.

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 5020

MMag. Christina Prix

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 5022
derzeit in Karenz

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