Infrastructure Call 2016

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Big success for BioTechMed-Graz in the context of the infrastructure call: The federal ministry of science, research and economy supports four BioTechMed-Graz projects with 4.8 million Euros:

ELMINet Graz - Correlative Electron Microscopy in Bioscience
The ELMINet (Electron Microscopy Network) Graz is a joint initiative to provide modern and powerful ELMI research infrastructure. It strives to bundle expertise in the field of electron microscopy by a coordinated investments programme between three universities in Graz and the implementation of cooperating core structures for effective and efficient use.
The Graz-wide network enables access to new instruments and opens options for interdisciplinary research cooperation. This will extend the spectrum of available methods, increase the quality, and reduce costs.
Moreover, newly acquired electron microscopes will combine different high-resolution analyses and will be available at central units. By combining both ultrastructural and functional research techniques, novel possibilities for understanding functional relationships in subcellular structures, tissues and biomaterials will be provided.
A further goal of the ELMINet Graz project is a tailored teaching program in the field of electron microscopy
Lead: Medical University of Graz, Funding: 1 million Euro

For further information see:



Explorative lipidomics of rare and chronic diseases
Pathological changes in lipid metabolism increase the risk of concomitant diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. To investigate the involved metabolic pathways, highly sensitive, and versatile analytical methods represent a key feature of the current research. The inter-university project “explorative lipidomics of rare and chronic diseases” extensively focuses on the progression of the analytical platform in Graz and is strongly supported by all three universities of Graz as well as the BioTechMed-Graz consortium. New, up-to-the-minute technologies will ensure deeper insights into biochemical processes underlying pathological metabolic states.    Lead: University of Graz, Funding: 1.5 million Euro



Integrated Data Management
BioTechMed-Graz will be able to cooperate more closely in the future with the help of highly specialized computing technologies. The goal of the "Integrated Data Management" project is the creation of an IT-service-data-infrastructure for the BioTechMed-Graz network. The researchers will be enabled to make use of the jointly generated data by providing access for integration and co-evolutionary analytics to interpret, structure and enrich them. Within the scope of the project, specialized clusters are to be acquired for the analysis, integration, interpretation and enrichment of research data.
In addition, an integrated data management platform is coordinated. The BioTechMed-Graz research activities and the aligned needs for service personnel, which supports the researchers in the application, further development and adaptation of the tools and IT infrastructure will be implemented.
Lead: TU Graz, Funding: 1.3 million Euro

For further information see:



Center for Integrative Metabolism Research (iMRC)
The Center for Integrative Metabolism Research (iMRC) is an initiative for the sustainable development of key technologies. The major goal is to combine established and complementary research fields in metabolism research in an integrative approach through acquisition of cutting-edge NMR spectroscopy (NMR) infrastructure.
In this way, the molecular mechanisms of disease development and their connection with environmental influences, aging and stress will be studied using the characteristic metabolic fingerprints. The aging society is one of the greatest challenges for our health care system and biomedical research in the coming years. The iMRC aims to develop new integrative-translational research strategies to combat these widespread diseases.
The iMRC is an integral part of the strategic BioTechMed-Graz cooperation and is to be established as a national and international center for leading-edge research, which is regionally rooted, and expands the impact of regional and national collaborative projects due to the 600 MHz NMR spectrometer for metabolism research. This further enhances the international attractiveness and visibility of the research location, such as for appointments, guest scientists and companies.
Lead: Med Uni Graz, Funding: 1 million Euro

For further information see: Center for Integrative Metabolism Research (iMRC)


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Cooperating partners

 Universität Graz  TU Graz  Med-Uni Graz 

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