Erfahrungen der Lab Rotation Stipendiat*innen
Seit 6 Jahren wird das BioTechMed-Graz Lab Rotation Program einmal jährlich ausgeschrieben. Hier findet man einen kurzen Einblick in die Erfahrungen unserer Absolvent*innen der letzten Jahre.
Zehra Gromilic, Absolventin der Lab Rotation, spricht über das Programm und ihre persönlichen Erfahrungen als BioTechMed-Graz Lab Rotation Stipendiatin.
I learnt many things about science, work, and life. I believe that this experience was one of the turning points of my life by looking at its effects on me.
Statements der Absolvent*innen
"Wonderful 4 months in the amazing lab group with great colleagues. As stated in the application, my primary goal of LRP was to broaden my research experience beyond the topic of my thesis, so I can become a competent PhD applicant. I achieved this goal easily."
"I just wanted to let you know that these 4 months were a great experience! Thank you for this opportunity to expand my knowledge!"
"In my opinion, the lab rotation program is one thing that benefits everyone involved. For me, as a young scientist who wanted to get to know a different research group because I was not 100% sure about my future in the field of my Master's degree. It gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizons and skills [...] playing a big part in changing my scientific future drastically for the better.”
"As a chemist, I was a bit doubtful in the beginning, if I was qualified enough to work at a pharmacy institute. In the end I had the feeling, that I both learned a lot and I could also contribute to the work in the group with my knowledge. I would suggest […] look for a working group in a field different from your study program.”
Rückmeldungen der Lab Rotation Absolvent*innen

Statements der Mentor*innen
"That young students with the experience of a master study bring interest and new ideas to for them new research approaches. The students as well the supervisor can take advantage of it."
"It is definitely an appropriate format to get to know the student. The payment is excellent, both for the student and the hosting lab."
"The benefit for the awardee is huge, they learn completely new sets of skills, they get a very important point in their resume for pursuing an academic career [...] The benefit for the host is the opportunity to strengthen the personnel in the lab, which is particularly important for the PIs that recently established their groups, and to gain the mentoring experience and portfolio for later applications with prospective early career researchers.
"New team member with a fresh look at the research topic; tackled the tasks with an alternative scientific perspective from which we all benefitted in the group."